Policies & Manuals

The RediHeat team is happy to provide you with all the information you need to get the most out of your purchase. We understand that buying a RediHeat product can be exciting, but we want to make sure you understand how to use it properly, what to do in case of a problem, or how to keep it in good condition. That’s why we have compiled all the essential information you need below, including guides, instructions, replacement parts, and warranty information.

Our goal is to make your experience with our products as smooth and hassle-free as possible. Whether you are a new or long-time customer, we hope this page will be a valuable resource for you. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us.

Product Life, Warranty, and Replacement Parts

RediHeat System Warranty

RediHeat provides a 12-month warranty for materials and workmanship on our premium-quality bags. Plus, we offer a 24-month warranty on the heating element.

The warranty is at no cost.

Cleaning guide here

Heating Element Plate

The heating element plate is a rugged, durable composite that will withstand reasonable wear and tear. Every RediHeat heating element plate must pass a drop test and an impact test for UL197, which includes a 1.15 Lb. steel ball, 2 inches in diameter, dropped onto the plate from 55 inches height.

Replacement Heating Elements, Bags, and Cords

We offer replacement components from stock at a cost that’s less than an entirely new system. Please contact us to request a quote!

Delivery Bag for Food Refunds and Returns Options

Please review our refund and return policy here.

User Manuals